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Khairuddin appointed as Zahid’s religious adviser

Khairuddin appointed as Zahid’s religious adviser
Khairuddin appointed as Zahid’s religious adviser 1

He is the latest political leader to be appointed as a ministerial adviser on a pro bono basis.

Khairuddin appointed as Zahid’s religious adviser
Former minister Khairuddin Aman Razali is the latest politician to be appointed to an advisory position.

PETALING JAYA: Umno Ulama Council executive secretary Mohd Khairuddin Aman Razali has been appointed as religious adviser to deputy prime minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

According to a source in the deputy prime minister’s office said Khairuddin, a former minister of plantation industries and commodities, was appointed on a pro bono basis.

“He serves as a religious advisor without salary, effective March 20,” the source told FMT.

Khairuddin, who was MP for Kuala Nerus, sought re-election as a Barisan Nasional candidate in the 2022 general election, but lost to Alias Razak from PAS.

He is the latest political leader to be appointed as a ministerial adviser on a pro bono basis.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim came under criticism when his daughter, former Permatang Pauh MP Nurul Izzah Anwar, was appointed a senior advisor on economics and finance. She later resigned but was appointed to chair an economic advisory council.

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